Very exciting news here at Paula Swift Photography!  I recently found out 2 of my images were accepted and awarded at the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) International Photographic Competition.  “Roots and Wings” 9was selected to be in the PPA’s Loan Collection where it will travel around the country on display with other Loan prints. This is what PPA and its members consider “the best of the best”. “The Journey”  was selected into the General Collection where it will be on display at the annual convention next January in Texas. Both of these prints won big in 2009 at our state PPAM convention and then were awarded seals at the regional level PPANE last fall. So I entered them at the big International Competition and was so surprised one of them went Loan!  Did I mention this was my first time entering PPA’s competition???  Thank you for letting me share this amazing news with you. Stay tuned for many featured sessions to be blogged soon!

Here are the award winning prints…

“Roots and Wings”

“The Journey” ( who happens to be my oldest when he was 5)

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Paula Swift